Article #43: The Positive Change
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” It means we all experience changes every day, may it can be a change in the climate, change in the place that you live, change in the people that you interact, in fact the change within yourself. Change is the only thing we can be sure that would happen. Well as part of this article, I am going to talk about the positive change I experienced during my 2 years of journey in Toastmasters. It was August 2018 when I officially became a Toastmaster. My passion for public speaking brought me to this platform. From converting my articles to speeches and now speeches to articles, I noticed a change. From writing something that comes to my mind to organizing my thoughts in a structured way, I noticed a positive change. From delivering speeches to doing leadership projects, I noticed a dramatic change. All these changes were filled with learnings, achievements, ...