Article #63: Thank you Dad
Dad, I want to visit my friend’s house Son, but you have exam tomorrow Dad, I am fully prepared and can write the exam in this moment itself Son, confidence is good, but not overconfidence. First prepare for the exam, you can visit your friend’s house later Did any of you ever experienced this type of situation before? If yes, then for most of us Dad would have been the villain at that point. But when you try to recollect such things after some years, then I am sure you would have understood the positive intent behind it. Well, I would like to dedicate this article to my beloved dad and thank him for many things which he did to me so far. I feel special whenever I hear my mom saying that my dad celebrated my birth with a goldspot drink (which was quite popular during the 90’s) to my relatives. Thank you, dad, for making me feel special on the very first day itself Some people say that my name, Giridhar is vibrant. I would have to g...