Article#14: Time

Someone gave an appropriate abbreviation of ‘TIME’ – Things I Must Experience. Yes, Time is experience, it teaches us everything. Even it is that Time is not constant, it changes. whatever that occurs today will not occur tomorrow. Time is precious. Also there’s a saying that ‘Time and Tide no wait for man’. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen, it can be with or without our consent. So, here I am with my 14th article on ‘Time’ to stress on what it is all about.
Let me start with the following beautiful lines that quote the importance of Time.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
I have read the above lines somewhere and I say that they are generic, applicable to everyone. But according to me, the importance of time varies with person to person. It just depends on an individual and his/her interests. So, what are the different perspectives people have on time? Is it that our perspective of time should coincide with everyone? In what way an individual can have the perfect utilization of time? To what extent are we correct? Well, I would like to provide answers for these questions through this article.
In every aspect, Time has got its own value. We cannot ignore or waste time. But what is that way of wasting time? For instance, someone feels that travelling is a waste of time, but for some other travelling can be a hobby or a kind of amusement. Someone says that social media is a waste of time, but for some other it’s a means of recreation. In these days, students are not allowed to play or watch TV as there is a hectic competition outside and it’s a waste of time according to some elders. But there are even people who believe in the concept of education through fun. They enable their children to watch useful programs in TV through which the child gets some fun, but at the same time learns something out of it and according to them it is not a waste of time. No one can decide on the factors that contribute to wasting time because if something seems to be not good for someone, it is not necessary that everyone should have the same point of view.
People say that if you are spoiling time, then gradually time will spoil you. In one way, it is right. Say for example, if an individual is not doing anything at all except the daily course of actions, then its correct that there are high chances for him to get spoiled as he doesn’t have any visibility of his future. But in the other way, say an individual is working on his skills, but couldn’t succeed and that appear to be waste of time for someone else, then it’s wrong. It is good that at least he is trying out something instead of sitting idle.
For some other people, Time is money. Oh common, where are we heading towards? Really? What is the use when you become a billionaire, but don’t have someone beside you to support you during your odd times? What is the use when you are in poor health after you earned like anything but cannot enjoy the money? In these days, there are people who don’t even prefer taking rest, sleeping for the minimum amount of time because they feel that Time is money. But no, earning is good as long as it doesn’t interrupt your personal life.
On the brighter side, there is another perspective that Time heals everything. Absolutely, with every one of us, both good and bad happen. And since time is dynamic, we just need to wait for the good things to come our way and we don’t have to do anything to forget the bad because time heals things in its own way.
And there’s one more saying that for everyone, time will come. People can have things worked out only according to their pace. You don’t have to worry for people who are ahead of you or for people who are behind you because it’s just that some has got their time and some has still not, but will get. And everything happens for a reason. We just need to be a bit optimistic that there’s something good in whatever that happen, maybe we don’t get to know about it immediately, but time will help us in finding out.
There is one more thought that Time stands for truth. You can lie to someone and to hide that you have to say some more lies, but time will not allow you to hide them. It brings all the truth out sooner or later.
Also, there’s a quote that “Procrastination is the thief of time”. Yes, when we keep on postponing things, it only adds burden to our future and may not be helpful in any way.
According to Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, we do not exist inside time, but we are time. Hence, the relationship to the past is a present awareness of having been, which allows the past to exist in the present. The relationship to the future is the state of anticipating a potential possibility, task, or engagement. Therefore, this concern for a potential occurrence also allows the future to exist in the present. The present becomes an experience, which is qualitative instead of quantitative.
Another philosopher, Craig Callender says that time is an illusion. The present moment is real. In fact, the last sentence that you read here belongs to past as it happened in the last second. So, it feels as though time flows, in the sense that the present is constantly updating itself. Today’s present would become past for tomorrow and Tomorrow’s future would become present for tomorrow or even past for day after tomorrow.
If you ask my perspective, I say that Time is memories. I believe spending every day in a memorable way because when I look back after some 10 or 20 years, I should not feel that I spent a monotonous life and I should not feel sorry that I haven’t given time for the people whom I love or the people who love me and even the time for myself :-)
I feel that perfect utilization of time for an individual lies in implementing the things that he/she is passionate about. If it is the case that you may not be working on something that you are passionate about or may not be able to find passion in the place where you are in, then see at least if you can spend some time with your passion(s) so that would bring some change in your normal life. In fact, the word ‘Passion’ itself has the meaning that it is something for which we create time separately in a day daily. That’s how it is different from hobby which is something that we do only during free times.
To conclude, Time is the only thing in this world that we cannot bring back. So respect time and ensure that you use time effectively in your own perspective. Don’t wait for time to come and things happen, but let the things happen in the time that you already have. If it is not now, then there is a chance that it can be never!!
This is the end of my fourteenth article, “Time”. The next article is going to be on another social aspect that is important for development of a country. Standby for the release.


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