Article #60: The Story Of A CutiePie

Did you ever experience the purest form of unconditional love? If yes, you would definitely correlate with this story and if not, I am sure you would be tempted to have a pet dog.

Well, as part of this article, today I am going to share with you the story of my most favorite cutie pie named Tommy. 

It was January 2020, when I saw Tommy for the first time in my friend’s home. She was a months old puppy, cute in her looks, sharp in her observations and hard in barking. I was afraid in the first moment although I had the experience of playing with dogs during my childhood days. 

The second time when I met her, she again started barking and I sat at a certain distance from her. She started observing me and my actions, the way I was talking with my friend and his family 

The third time, she didn’t bark, but came straight towards me affectionately. Yet I was afraid as I couldn’t understand her sweet gesture. But I started noticing her and her actions that were similar to that of a kid. I found it to be too cute. 

So, finally the fourth time when I met her, I couldn’t help but take her smoothly in my hands and place her in my lap when she came towards me affectionately. That’s it our bonding started from that moment. 

Tommy is smart, affectionate, cute, sweet, playful and caring. She easily understands people and our language, can experience our emotions, can feel the touch, loves to be pampered, shows her love by licking us, can speak so much without uttering a single word. 

She can recognize her people even after months of gap, even if we are in a crowd of hundred different people through our smell and voice. When any of her favorite humans enter the house, she celebrates like anything, can’t control her excitement. She greets and welcomes us in the best way possible that we feel like doing anything for that welcome. Surprisingly, even if you go the immediate next day, you don’t find any change in her welcome process unlike we humans who get bored with our guests easily. I never knew when she became my priority that I started visiting my friend’s home once in a week only to meet her. Otherwise, I feel as if I am losing out something.  

You don’t feel lonely if you are with Tommy. As soon as she notices me, she comes towards me with lot of excitement and I have to pamper her with all the hugs and kisses. She turns around in the reverse way as she trusts me and She loves to sleep on my lap with her head placed in one of my hands and pampering should go with the other hand. It’s enough to see her sleeping in that way and the time just passes by.  

Tommy smiles with us for the photos, plays with us well even with a handkerchief, all she needs from us is the love and attention and once we give that, she gives her unconditional love 100 times more than us in return. 

It may sound strange that we don’t feel bad with her possessiveness. In fact, we feel overwhelmed that she loves us so much. She eats only if we pamper her, otherwise she is ready to stay with empty stomach even for a long time. She won’t let us go out from the place and even if we go, she waits for us right at the door to come again. Moreover, she loves going out, even if we allow her the whole day to roam out without food and sleep, she is ready. 

I must say Tommy is the expression and drama queen of the town. Her expressions talk more rather than her bark. The way she looks at us trying to understand and grasp our language is adorable. She is a great listener, but sometimes doesn’t acknowledge us if she is falling asleep or if we are saying something that she doesn’t like or if we are forcing her to eat without her consent. 

Tommy is brave to bark at other dogs, animals, birds, strangers and even on us if we are trying to tease her because she definitely understands if we are trying to imitate her to tease her. But still once you are attached, you will cry along with her. 

Here are some of her favorites 

Favorite Food: Carrots, Guava, Paneer, Ice-cream, Maggi 

Favorite Place to Sleep: Swinging Chair 

Favorite Hangout: Bike rides 

Favorite Words: All the words used for pampering 

Not so Favorite Words: Bye, Tata, Aach, Bow, Meow, Chi 

What she likes: Pampering, Chewing, Playing, Sleeping, Outing, Barking 

What she doesn’t like: Someone touching her tail (she will bite them), someone disturbing her during sleepy times, Teasing her, strangers in the house 

Talking about the Advantages of having a pet dog like Tommy, there are loads 

  1. Unlimited love and affection 

  1. Unconditional care that’s remembered for a lifetime 

  1. Best companionship  

  1. Best Pill for Mental Health 

  1. Most Honest and Reliable animal 

  1. Most trusted animal that keeps an eye on strangers and strange sounds 

  1. Animal with Best intuitions  

  1. One that can see things beyond humans like spirits 

And so, on 

Now you would ask me are there any disadvantages? I would say no because although sometimes we need little more patience to handle her playful nature all the day and even to understand her as she can’t express her problems with her words, before her unconditional and unlimited love, everything appears small. You feel like doing anything for her and going to any extent for her because all she expects from you is just some love and attention. 

Talking about the learnings, here are some: 

  1. She prefers to play on the ground and indirectly hints us that we should stay grounded no matter how many heights we have attained in our personal life 

  1. Her anger remains only for a few seconds, this way she teaches us to not hold any grudges on anyone and lead a lovely life 

  1. Her faithfulness towards her owner is unmatchable. This way, she teaches us to be faithful with the one who is responsible for our survival 

  1. She openly expresses her love without keeping anything in mind. This way, she teaches us not to pretend and be open with people around 

  1. She barks at the strangers. This way, she teaches us not to trust anyone easily 

  1. She smiles with us, becomes sad when we are sad and during the entire process, she teaches us the meaning of true companionship 

  1. She never lets the people leave her once she loves them. That way, she teaches us not to leave or let our loved ones leave us 

  1. She craves for our pampering as soon as we reach home. That way, she teaches us the priority of being loved and loving the family once we are at home 

Likewise, you will also learn so many things from your pet once you start having one. So, if everyone in your family is interested, don’t miss to adopt a cutie pie like Tommy today. It makes your family complete. It loves you beyond any human can, stays loyal to you, cares for you and would never leave you. What do you say? Let me know in the comments below. 

That’s the end of the article viewers, I will be back again with another interesting concept.


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