Article #25: Dreams

Dream of a politician, “I want to be the PM of this country”.
Dream of a struggler, “I want to be the superstar of this industry”.
Dream of a software engineer, “I want to be the CEO of this company”
Dream of an RJ, “I want to be the National head of this broadcasting channel”
Dream of an intern, “I want to be the executive editor of this magazine”
Then we have another type of dreams, an engineer who dream of becoming a doctor, a lecturer who dream of becoming a lawyer, a model who dream of becoming an actor, and a salesman who dream of becoming a chef and so on.
What about the dreams that arrive when we are in sleep? As if you are on a different planet or all together on a world trip or caught in a tsunami or overnight sensation trending in the internet.
Whatever the case it is, do you think there’s anything wrong with these dreams? Well, it is not. In all the above cases, there’s nothing wrong if you want to grow in your profession or choose something else or dream something that is abnormal. Dreams are dreams, there’s no criteria or limitation. This article is about the dreams, what they are, why do they happen, what makes us to dream and how to fulfill them.
In reality, most of the people never get satisfied with what they have. When we are the little ones, we are expected to walk, once we walk, we are expected to go to a school, after school, college, later job, then, higher position in the job, after that, even greater position, finally the top position, once after that is attained, there would be something else. Sky is the limit. Here comes the concept of Dreams that allow us to set goals, that allow us to think of a better tomorrow than today. Everyone wants to grow in their profession, but I believe along with the dream to raise, one needs to have strong affection towards what they are doing. Then, there should be no secondary thoughts or no influence due to any external factors as the goal should be clear. One needs to be determined enough if they want to achieve their dream. Perhaps, the path may not be clear, there could be many obstacles. But that should not disable the spirit. Then, growing in a profession does not mean showing others down or competing with others. One has to obviously compete to improve, but a healthy competition always lies when one starts competing with themselves. Try to compare yourself with yesterday, it can be professionally towards a goal or even personally. If you find there’s an improvement, that’s it, you are on the right track. Fulfilling your dream can be important, but not at the cost of ruining other’s dreams. Instead, try to help others in fulfilling their dreams, you get numerous satisfaction. Sometimes, winning the game is not really important, but helping others win the game truly makes you a real winner.
What about the things that we want to achieve personally irrespective of anyone else’s notion? Say, we are expected to walk, but we want to run. We are expected to do a job, but we want to do a business. Again comes the concept of dreams that enable us to take a voracious approach to what we want to do as a person. The only thing to keep in mind while achieving these kind of dreams is believing in ourselves. People may try to put your dream down, the entire world can be against you. But it shouldn’t stop you from achieving what you want to. Say, you are a reputed software engineer and wanted to become an RJ. Ensure that first you have the money for meeting basic needs, food, shelter and clothing. Start developing the required skills for RJ, keep giving auditions in various stations and something will get clicked based on your efforts. Probably, we may experience more practical problems. But if it’s your dream, the remaining things seem tiny to you.
Then there can be some happenings which leave their own impact on us, maybe we feel that we are normal and going with the flow, but somewhere these could be the things that would have hit the right chords. Although we do not think about them, our subconscious mind goes through them in the form of dreams. Most of the times, they occur due to our own happenings around. If they are not so good dreams, we should ignore them. But if they are awesome and there’s a chance of fulfilling them, then there’s no harm in giving a try for them. Say, your dream was that you visited Burj Khalifa or the Great Wall of China and you liked it. You can acquire the required bank balance and visit those places. It is not necessary that you fulfill your dream, just the immediate day. It is absolutely fine if you take one week, one month, one year or even ten years of time. But it is important that you fulfill your dream because it was one of your sweetest dream. Such happenings indulge confidence in you and make you a better person.
To conclude, don’t stop dreaming in any of the above said three ways because dreams bring out the best in us and can also become reason for our existence. Start chasing your dreams instead of you being chased for someone else’s dreams. All the best.


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