Article#30: Anchoring

Out of many professions in the world, Anchoring is the one I love most because it gives me a chance to be on stage for maximum time. This article is all about my dream to host a show if I become an anchor. Mostly, it is inspired by a famous Indian talk show.
Do you watch Koffee with Karan? I want to host a similar show called ‘Giridhar’s Garady’. I will be the host and weekly or bi-weekly I would have one guest. I will take the interview of the person and make a video of that for circulation in the social media platforms. Each video would be unique and I want to shoot at different locations based on the feasibility of the guest like in any of our homes or a park or a shopping mall, etc. Unlike the TV shows, I don’t want it to be a scripted one. I want to think of as many new questions as I can. I want to be creative enough to pull guests as well as viewers for my show.
Now you would ask me why I was so inspired by this show. This is because Koffee with Karan is noted for its uniqueness especially that of Johar's style of hosting. Its success is credited, in particular, to the fact that it is able to rope in some of the biggest names in the Indian entertainment industry. Most of his guests Johar considers his friends and he mentions that due to that relationship, he has to "strike a balance between being over-cautious and over-friendly. In what is called his "trademark chatty manner", Johar is seen "coaxing the guests, cajoling them and grilling them" and it is indeed "their confessions and revelations" that generate the most media attention. Specifically the rapid fire segment of the show has garnered the most notoriety, being dubbed "infamous" for the statements made during the round which are often revealing. That’s it, the show got huge popularity, fan following. There are 15 million twitter followers and almost same number of views for the show. I love to host such shows.
My show comprises of 4 segments
1.       Introduction Segment -> Here I will ask some general basic questions like hobbies, profession, something that makes one unique, etc.
2.       Just Imagine Segment -> Here Guest will be given a situation to imagine himself like say he is left alone in a jungle, what is he going to do?
3.       Rapid Fire Segment -> Here the person will be asked to make a choice out of two like Green or red, Sun or moon, etc.
4.       Surprise Segment -> Here I would surprise the Guest by showing him/her the video of their family and friends describing them.
To conclude, if I could do this kind of show, I am sure I would be on top of the world. I believe one day my dream would definitely come true. Do you also have any dreams as such? Give a thought.


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